lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

The Beginning of the End…

First things first… an update from last week.  Malaga was great!  We went to the beach, walked through ruins, got “conducted” to sing by an old drunk man at approximately 1 pm, and even went to the beach in February! 
Now… On to this week.  On Monday we started classes.  Yep, that’s right I didn’t start classes until February!  Of course, every professor had us go around and say our name, where we are from… etc.  And, of course (I think it’s mandatory) everyone’s schedules were changed at least once.  Now that I have a “horario fijo” (fixed schedule?) and have somewhat settled in to my classes, I can already tell which classes I will like and which ones I won’t.  I dropped one class and picked up another, Art History of Spain.  This class is going to be EXTREMELY boring!  And it’s at 8:30 am… ugh!  But, the one saving grace is that today I met two girls from the University of Portland, Melanie and Corey.  They are hilarious!  If nothing else, hopefully I can make some new friends in this class.
Another class I really like is my Writing and Speaking class.  Wow, that sounds lame… sounds cooler in Spanish- Produccion Oral y Escrito.  Ah, much better.  This class is taught by a teacher I had for my orientation classes so I knew going in to the class I would like the teacher.  At first I was a little intimidated by this class because it seemed like everyone knew everyone else, and I knew no one.  However, the students seem very welcoming and it doesn’t seem like there will be too much work.
One of the classes I think I will find the most interesting in my Spanish Lit. class.  The professor already told us we were going to have to “Study, babies, study,” (yes, in English) but he’s sarcastic enough I think I can handle the work.  Later on in the semester we’re going to read Bernarda Alba, one of my favorite Spanish works that I’ve already read so I’m excited for this class!
Welp, that’s it from my boring life here in Spain… tomorrow I’m going to the escuela again to see the babies and I’m very excited for that!
Pues, venga…

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