jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

THE BEACH! And other fun adventures with Kayla

This week my friend, Kayla, turned 21, and we had to bring the party to Europe to celebrate such an event!  She was only here for a week, so we tried to get as much in as possible.  However, both of us felt under the weather, so this made it hard to get up and go.  We did go shopping, go to the beach and futbol (aka soccer) game.

I think we both enjoyed the beach most.  It was approximately 18 degrees Celsius, which is equivalent to about 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and sunny!  Although we didn’t do any super touristy things, it was so beautiful just walking around.  When we reached the open air market, we devised a plan:  Buy grapes and eat them on the beach.  There was only one problem, the grapes were dirty.  What was our solution?  Wash them off in the big sink called the Mediterranean Sea, of course!  After a while of becoming accustomed to the freezing water, I decided it was time to get brave and actually get all the way in.  Although I was practically frozen, just being in the water was so awesome!!  After a while we took out Kayla’s nook and did a suduko.  Suddenly in the distance, Kayla saw a couple of men riding horses.  Before we went, my mom told me to find a “Fabio,” and Kayla said, “Hey, that might be your Fabio!”  But then, Fabio (not so) gracefully fell off his horse.  Well, I can’t have that, so unfortunately, he had to be de-Fabioed.

Soon afterwards we started to get really hungry.  We decided to eat at a place on the beach… which in my opinion was a great idea!  Kayla had tortilla de patatas, which is very traditional dish here, which is essentially like a potato omelet.  I had mussels in a garlic sauce.  These mussels were HUGE!  I’ve never seen something like that!  They were great.  We also got some free stuff while there: the very pen I signed the bill with, a business card, and a shot of this apple stuff, which the waiter assured us it was “sin alcol.”  Overall, it was a great day, but it was late and we were exhausted.

The next day we went to a Granada futbol game.  Although we were both pretty worn out, the game was really fun!  And the cherry on top was that Granada won!  I tried to get a video of the victory cheer, but whether it worked or not I’m not sure.

Anyways, I’m glad Kayla and I could continue our tradition, celebrating the last 14 birthdays together, and I’m not sure how we will top this next year!
Tomorrow I leave for Paris!  It’s crazy to think that before I left I had only been to Mexico and Canada, and now I’m traveling all over… and that we have been here for almost 6 weeks!  I can’t imagine how the next 3 months will be!
Un beso,

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