martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Land of the Pomegranates

¡Por fin!  I finally have a blog! Now that I am a little more settled in, and "relajado" (as my señora says...) I am finally able to start this blog.  These first few days have been crazy-  starting in Minneapolis.  Beginning with a 2 hour delay, running to catch (er, miss) the flight from Chicago, watching the only other option take off in front of our eyes, to losing our luggage- it was 2 crazy days of travel. 

What seemed like just hours after arriving safely in Granada (sans baggage), I finally met my señora.  After seeing that I did not have anything to wear and offering me ALL of her children/ grand children´s clothing, she called up what seemed like all of Spain to inform them the "pobrecita" had arrived.  It only took a little while for me to figure out that this would be a perfect match.  My señora, although 66 and quite intent on saving a euro, is actually very similar to me.  She has a lactose intolerance, she loves Cifras y Letras (Spanish game show we both attempt to cheat at), stays up late, and is very funny (which, of course, is just like me, hehe).  There is also a guy from England living with us for a few more weeks, so that is nice to be able to understand him and have someone to meet people through.  The one downfall of our house is that there is no internet, so it is hard to keep up with facebook, e-mail, and obviously, this blog.

It still amazes me that people actually live in a place as beautiful as this.  From our balcony, we can see the mountains.  We have had a few excursions so far- one to the city center and one to Albaycin.  Albaycin was gorgegous, and I liked the way our tour guide, Aurelio, described it.  He told us we would go through 3 stages: "sexy, sexy sexy, and sexy sexy boom."  From each stage you could see more and more of the city and the Alhambra.  At the sexy sexy boom stage, you could see the whole city and most of the Alhambra.  I hope to upload pictures of this soon, although without internet it is hard to do.

This weekend we went to the science museum, which was HUGE.  I don´t think we even made it through half of it.  My favorite part was the torre, or tower, from which you could see basically all of Granada and the mountains.

This upcoming week we will visit some of the social service sites and we have the option to choose one to work within the community.  Today, we visited the Escuela de Cartujas, which is essentially a school for underprivileged kids, and the kids were SO CUTE!  Some of them, however, were a little overwhelmed by a group of American girls circling around them, and began to cry.  But even then, they were SO CUTE!  I really hope I am able to work there!

Hopefully I will not have to wait as long to post another entry, but until then...

¡Hasta lluego!